Even more stuff to buy this time round!
Though most of the stuff were given by others, there's still stuff that hubby and wifey had to get and much beforehand. Wifey is now on 6th month pregnancy and in 1-2 month times, wifey will be more tiring to walk around getting all the things before she give birth. So with mom, hubby and wifey, they head to bugis OG for shopping and ended up buying lots of caitlyne little items. They were glad that they approached one of the saleslady regarding the Avent sterilizer. Initially of getting a set of 5 bottles ( 2x 4oz and 3 x 9oz ) costing $46, and they ended up saving that! They wanted to get the brand TollyJoy sterilizer as it is much cheaper around $60, been told by cousin's wife , and it can match with different milk bottles brand as well. The nice saleslady told hubby and wifey that Avent also able to mix with other brand of milk bottles and there's no fix point for the milk bottle to hang on. Though it is costly from this Avent , but it worth the $170 because it is ma...