Weird.. hmmm

Wifey just came back from her gynae visit and as usual, the whole session was like 5min or less. First Doctor will say "Hi.. How's everything. Lets a look" Then Doc will measure Blood Pressure of Wifey and say "Come lets take a look. Lie Down" Then he will say "Here's baby head.. baby heart beat.. good.. everything normal" Then its the end of the session. Haha Wifey's Mom in Law was trying to supress her laughter that each session is so short and the Doctor always talk to little.

Doctor also confirmed from the TMC detailed scan results that WIfey and Hubby will be expecting a baby girl. Wifey asked if will deliver early or late for first time pregnancy and Doctor said about 80% will deliver 1-2weeks early and 20% will deliver 1-2weeks later. So hopefully the lil one can be born in that 80% early group.

Also.. the weird thing is Wifey took her weight at home and realised she is 60kg. Before the pregnancy she was almost 60-63kg and with the morning sickness she lost almost 5kg and became 58-59kg. Few weeks back at 4months she was almost 63kg again and she is puzzled how come she lost weight again when baby is gaining weight from 250gm to 400gm this month. Maybe its because Wifey and Hubby have been running around more are more active lately, also eating all healthy and soupy food. LOL


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