Wants and the needs
Was it the wants or in need?
Cait requested for an ergonomic table because she found that the table is very pretty and told The Ongies that she will study very well if she have that kind of table.
Hubby find it amused because he had never used an ergonomic slant table before, and that does not means that the kids will not study well without using that table.
Despite the table reviews are good, hubby felt that the most important is the seating and lighting conditions. He is willing to forgo the ergonomic table because they had never used such table before in their life. The only similar table he seen is the architect and cartoon artists table.
Is it really important? Hubby really wanted to learn some views from friends and readers.
Was it comparing?
It is not surprising to have kids comparing with their friends. So parents have to balance out the weight of needs and wants.He prefer the kids to read more book at the well lit area.
By comparing and being showy does not mean he or she a powerful one. Hubby often told them that he dislike comparison, because it is a never ending story.
Who needed the most?
Even though Cait may need a table for studying, hubby will prefer her to get the typical type. Unless the school is providing the same table then, it is reasonable to get the ergonomic table for her. If not, he will prefer to get a good comfortable chair and a light for her first.If other students can use the typical table for studying, why not your own kids? End of the day, who is the one who wanted it, the kids or the parents?