Cait and Clar moment

Sleepy Clar trying to sleep well today.

She had went for 6 in 1 jab at Healthway clinic this morning. Both  Cait and Clar had different reaction when the needle sting on them. The latter cried on top of her lung until wifey carry her, while Cait's will be small and sweet noise.

Nevertheless, the verdict is not about comparing, but the best for them.

Piglet holding claryne's tutu in place
Piglet holding claryne's tutu in place

Getting sleepier

Spider cap for Cait

Spider cap for Cait

And suddenly she took mei mei one. *Used to be Cait's*

Cait wear cap
Funky Cait getting hip. Ok, where's her eyes?

There.... *the usual way that Cait always sound*


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