little updates

Ultrasound Scan 11.jpg
Ultrasound shown at Dr Adrian clinic that baby is not growing. Thus emergency scan had to be done at TMC immediately.

Emergency scan01.jpg
The top of the head: Ok

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The bone: OK

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Stomach: Ok

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One of the blood flowing in baby body, the graph showing the flow of blood with sound heard : OK

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Can't rem where is this tho.

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Right side of the baby body showing the blood flow

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Left side of the baby body showing the blood flow

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That's the side view of the baby. (Where the time she stick her tongue out. Cheeky huh!)

At the same time, not knowingly about the due date, mom had just washed the final batch of clothing.

The small little mittens are so cute =) Anyway, this is the 2nd batch of stuff given by 4th aunt.

Clothes hanging on top which had been washed yesterday noon. Never did mom know that all these come in handy for baby to wear next week onwards.

The overall look of the clothing!

Of course, last but not least, wifey on her 36th plus week pregnancy photo.

Graceful wifey in the morning shot.

Wifey on her 36th weeks. Cheerful and preparing to give birth next week.

And finally the sweety hubby and wifey.

Wifey is hoping that Cait cait will look like her! Just follow hubby kind-hearted feeling.


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