Cait recovering
Everyone was glad that Cait is feeling well now. Cait is suffering from fever, cough and vomit; doctor gave 4 medicine for her to eat. It is hard to feed Cait as she is not so cooperative while taking the medicine. Western med is much sweeter and easier to feed, but not the same for Chinese med. Despite letting Cait had the western med, she still not feeling well at all. Everyone know she is feeling heaty and she need to poo out tho. After letting mom's boss, whom is a Chinese Physician, to check on Cait and immediately they have to use force to make her drink it. Chinese med is bitterly, sour and hard to swallow because of the bad smell and taste. But knowing that it is for Cait own good, they have to prepare sweet and some stuff to make Cait forget about the smell and taste. Forcing Cait to drink up the medicine is hurting to mom and wifey, as for hubby, he feel nothing at all as he know it is for her own good. It is important to make kids happy while having such medicine. They m...