Remember the blog posted 6 months ago ? 6 months later at Baby Fair! Yes, if you remembered ( or maybe not ), hubby and wifey went to Taka baby fair and bought lots of stuff for Cait. And this time, they are back again to the same old place but to their disappointment, there's nothing to buy at all. Just to be frank, it is not there's nothing to buy but because they do not know what to buy! Most of the stuff had been purchased way before and basically it is suitable for mummies-to-be. Hope everyone bought the stuff that they want! While looking at the items, one of the mummy approached wifey about her purchase of the strawberry carrier. Hope that mummy found the forum link. Cait looking at the toy items Why Cait look at mummy this way? Shy? (Cannot be!) Guess she is sleepy tho Looking at mummy again... She does attract quite a number of people anywhere. 1 of the auntie suggested wifey to put a hat on Cait head because the aircon is quite strong in Taka. Luckily, she did not fus...