
Showing posts from September, 2015

The roller blade Ongies team

Time to update some interesting stuff. 2 months ago, wifey had signed up the kids to free rollerblading lesson which is partly given by the govt. if you remembered, there are thousands over courses for all Singaporean and most of the popular courses had been filled up quickly. The kids, along with their friends had attended the first lesson at Bishan community center. Everyone of them were very excited after attending the first trial lesson, and they are so looking forward to the 2nd session after a week of holiday. The thought of purchasing the roller blades did came into hubby's mind which was abolished when he felt that cycling will be a lot better. But Cait still preferred to blade more than cycling. Cait's swimming instructor - Coach Spencer, shared his view that rollerblading for kids is a good idea because it will help train their thigh muscle. And, that goes the search of getting roller-blades! ( Since the fundamental had been taught well - hubby shall cont...