Good bye 2013, Hello 2014.
Everyone will be opening their wide arm to receive 2014 and bid good bye to 2013. It had been a wonderful year - be it the changes, the shockening or the sadness. The Ongies would like to take this opportunity to say a big thanks for those who had frequent to this blog and read about what is going on for the two lovely Cait and Clar. Promise that this blog will keep on going (if time allows) Wifey had been working very hard throughout the year, and hope the effort is recognised for the better good. While hubby, turned part time house husband and self employed, will be striving hard to build up his career - photo, audio and video. (any inquiries, please drop an email) For Cait and Clar, both had been promoted, will be studying even harder, especially for Cait. She will be more hands on - reading and writing, because K1 is the stage that she need to learn a lot, and as a parent, require to focus on her work as well. How about you?