Pain and aching
As usual, wifey had been feeling nauseous since morning. But hubby was glad that she did managed to finish her ban mian for lunch.
Having no idea why, wifey had terrible feeling sensation at her tailbone. The pain is indescribable as if one of the nerves is pulling down real hard. If this carry on for a week, consulting Dr Adrian is a must.
Does that mean wifey should not try to drink soya bean milk? It seem like such situation (vomiting non stop) occurred same way like she had egg at Yakun. To play safe, avoid it. And yes, her vomiting became greenish like lime green and it's all the gastric acid.
Wednesday, wifey can rest well at home as she got full day working the next day.
Not to forget, when wifey felt the lil one move, she immediately asked hubby to feel it. As the lil one is in wifey tummy, hubby can hardly felt that whole movement but there's feel like muscle twitching. Though it felt weird but wifey will get to used to it.
Having no idea why, wifey had terrible feeling sensation at her tailbone. The pain is indescribable as if one of the nerves is pulling down real hard. If this carry on for a week, consulting Dr Adrian is a must.
Does that mean wifey should not try to drink soya bean milk? It seem like such situation (vomiting non stop) occurred same way like she had egg at Yakun. To play safe, avoid it. And yes, her vomiting became greenish like lime green and it's all the gastric acid.
Wednesday, wifey can rest well at home as she got full day working the next day.
Not to forget, when wifey felt the lil one move, she immediately asked hubby to feel it. As the lil one is in wifey tummy, hubby can hardly felt that whole movement but there's feel like muscle twitching. Though it felt weird but wifey will get to used to it.